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The rose is a highly valued and popular plant because of its beauty and perfume. In the middle ages, plants had to have a practical purpose, such as medicinal use, to justify their cultivation. The rose however, was an exception and was grown purely for its beauty. Roses are vigorous growers so will need pruning in winter after flowering.
Our roses are grown as shrubs and/or standards and are all grown on fortuniana rose stock.

Plant InfoThe Nerium is an evergreen, bushy and hardy shrub which is native to Africa and South/West Asia. Oleander prefers full sun and well drained soil and is a good choice of plant for ocean side gardens. The Nerium flowers throughout the year and will grow to around one metre. If the shrub becomes overgrown and leggy, prune severely in Spring.

Plant InfoThis climbing plant is often found in warm to tropical climates and comes in blue or white. Plumbagos need well drained soil, especially during the summer to ensure a good display of flowers. Prune in late winter, removing old growth to promote new growth. Available in Blue or White.
Plant InfoFrangipani is a deciduous tree which originated in Central America. They are particularly renowned for their fragrance. Frangipani prefers a tropical climate in full sun and well drained, fertile soil.
Of the 220 different varieties of Hibiscus, Swanview Plant Farm carries nearly 60 varieties of this flowering shrub. Hibiscus are relatively easy to grow, prefer full sun and sandy, slightly acidic soil. They should be pruned to shape in September to help promote growth. Water well and fertilize regularly during the flowering period.
These small, flowering perennials originated from Madagascar and are perfect as bedding or border plants or simply grown in pots. Vincas prefer full sun. Keep soil moist, and do not let it dry out.
Bougainvilleas are famous for their bright and vivid flowers. They cover walls extremely well or can be grown as a shrub. Bougainvilleas prefer a warm, frost free climate and full sun. Water when needed and prune after flowering.